Сообщество не верифицировано администрацией ВКонтакте
У сообщества нет огня Прометея
Экспериментальная музыка из Израиля, андерграунд, авангард, нойз, шумовая музыка, электроника, этническая музыка и тд.
Вся музыка представлена исключительно для ознакомления. Это некоммерческое образовательное сообщество.
No copyright is claimed in audio materials and to the extent that material may appear to be infringed, I assert that such alleged infringement is permissible under fair use principles in international copyright laws. If you believe material has been used in an unauthorized manner, please contact the poster. The law, which took effect in May 2008 (in Israel), permits the fair use of copyrighted works for purposes such as private study, research, criticism, review, news reporting, quotation, or instruction or testing by an educational institution. So I assume, use of any materials in this virtual community is fair, because it's a educational and research noncommercial group, interested in israeli experimental art.